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Strategies that unite brand and space.

Every place has a specific soul, an essence that determines its concept. Each place has functional attributes, such as location, commercial or entertainment offer...., and emotional attributes, which are much more difficult to discover and identify.

When we set out to design and execute a space, we must take into account where we want it to be located, what we want to convey to customers and, above all, what our brand identity is about.

This type of strategy is often not taken into account when designing and executing spaces, but at Master Makers we believe that it is a key part of the process so that, in addition to satisfying our clients' needs and providing them with a beautiful space, we can help them create a strong and popular brand, thus improving their positioning.

Functional and emotional attributes.

First of all, we need to identify the commercial space we are going to work with, which also includes culture and entertainment. This will help us to define the concept and value proposition of the place.

The competitive environment.

It will be necessary to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the spaces of direct and indirect competitors located in the environment in which we want the brand to compete.

This will help us, together with the functional and emotional attributes, to determine the personality of the space and the identity we want to pursue.

Internal branding of the commercial space.

The brand that is going to form part of the commercial space is going to participate by contributing variables to the concept, so we must ensure from the beginning that it is always the one that sets the strategic guidelines. This will make it easier for us to find the composition for the offer of the place and with this, it will be easier for us to define the concept and the type of messages that, with the help of the design, we want to transmit, as we will control the value proposal that we want to build.

Brand dynamism.

The integration of the brand that occupies the site will be key. With this we will be able to achieve an optimal naming process and a perfect development of the visual identity for and of the space. This will be fundamental for the user experience to appear from minute zero, by transmitting and assimilating in a clear and direct way the strategic message based on the competitive advantages.

Satisfying needs by creating desires.

After all the previous steps, at this point we will be in a position to consider how we will resolve the satisfaction of our public's needs, but also to take advantage of the sum of variables of all the joint work of brand and space to try to constantly provoke desires.

This process will provide us with a differential emotional positioning, will increase the perceived quality of the commercial space in terms of the rest of the competitors' offer and, furthermore, will encourage brand recall thanks to the user experience to soar, feeding back into the desired positioning strategy.

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